
Dreamcast set is updated, 200G of new games!

a boxing day miracle! need MAME ROMs? visit!

MAME set removed to make room for new and exciting things! The next chapter of edge|emulation is coming soon.

MAME updated to .239. Download counts are reset as a result, sorry!

New shade of paint, made the site more mobile-friendly. Gamecube set is being updated to 1G1R in RVZ format. Enjoy!

Improved the search function ever so slightly :)

Panasonic 3DO set updated. Doubled the amount of games and converted to CHD.

Sega CD set updated. 60G of games added. NGCD set replaced.

Holiday time again! We've doubled the bandwidth to 500mbps, updated the MAME set to .226, and re-added the Saturn collection. More updates coming soon!

ROMs / Amstrad CPC ROMs


Viewing Amstrad CPC ROMs ROMs starting with L

LA SWAT11.92 kb427
Labelmaster47.34 kb420
Labrytinthe des Sciences, Le82.45 kb421
Labynotaure11.85 kb416
Labyrinth Hall29.12 kb424
Labyrinthe aux Mille Calculs, Le - College110.57 kb421
Labyrinthe aux Mille Calculs, Le - Ecole111.25 kb551
Labyrinthe dErrare, Le - College139.75 kb431
Labyrinthe dOrthophus, Le - Ecole134.94 kb422
Lancelot184.23 kb446
Las 3 Luces De Glaurung27.35 kb433
Las Vegas Casino27.96 kb423
Laser Base6.03 kb426
Laser Basic Compiler v1.133p & Typhon62.18 kb430
Lasersquad80.04 kb449
Lasersquad Expansion Kit14.88 kb436
Laserwarp67.89 kb523
Last Duel213.76 kb457
Last Mission, The27.25 kb432
Last Ninja 2 Remix, The141.23 kb480
Last Ninja 2, The79.94 kb471
Last Ninja Remix136.65 kb469
Last Race, The10.66 kb421
Last V8, The24.98 kb430
Lawn Tennis22.46 kb410
Lazertag34.40 kb416
Leaderboard29.05 kb416
Leaderboard Tournament20.60 kb542
League Challenge9.68 kb409
Leather Goddesses of Phobos101.07 kb433
Led Storm163.75 kb429
Lee Enfield Tournament of Death50.91 kb407
Legend62.41 kb428
Legend of Apache Gold, The34.65 kb424
Legend of Kage, The49.17 kb447
Legende103.16 kb414
Legions of Death32.88 kb512
Lemmings192.18 kb493
Leonard17.17 kb409
Letters1.31 kb417
Leviathan39.51 kb418
Liberator40.78 kb414
Licence To Kill129.94 kb452
Life Expectancy Zero6.98 kb413
Lifeterm26.64 kb488
Light Corridor, The117.34 kb426
Light Force30.76 kb432
Line of Fire167.56 kb419
Link5.32 kb414
Lion4.17 kb405
Lisa Strip Pot8.55 kb425
Liste de logiciels CPC10.49 kb409
Little Computer People52.98 kb417
Little Puff19.03 kb488
Little Puff In Dragonland24.31 kb416
Live and Let Die73.23 kb423
Liverpool56.92 kb419
Livingstone Supongo112.21 kb434
Livingstone Supongo 266.11 kb421
LMC Software Collection441.05 kb453
Lo Mejor de Dinamic182.72 kb415
Locomotion11.96 kb428
Lode Runner63.20 kb460
Logical Hero31.03 kb413
Logiciel Qui Carbure, Le118.96 kb407
Logiformes9.53 kb468
Logiphrases11.89 kb406
Logipresse 545.98 kb408
Logipresse 764.76 kb405
Logistic20.56 kb406
Long-way7.66 kb405
Loom (Preview 1.0)9.56 kb416
Loopz37.42 kb413
Lop Ears40.22 kb409
Lord of the Rings107.60 kb451
Lords of Chaos62.95 kb1420
Lords of Midnight31.99 kb432
Lords of Time21.51 kb423
Lorna85.99 kb424
Lost Caves and The Doom Tomb30.61 kb413
Lost Crown, The4.92 kb425
Loto10.24 kb409
Lotus Esprit Turbo Challenge112.75 kb455
Lower Micro English116.85 kb414
Lubix10.92 kb404
Lucky Luke - Nitroglycerine150.67 kb516
Lurking Horror, The102.77 kb440