Dreamcast set is updated, 200G of new games!
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MAME set removed to make room for new and exciting things! The next chapter of edge|emulation is coming soon.
MAME updated to .239. Download counts are reset as a result, sorry!
New shade of paint, made the site more mobile-friendly. Gamecube set is being updated to 1G1R in RVZ format. Enjoy!
Improved the search function ever so slightly :)
Panasonic 3DO set updated. Doubled the amount of games and converted to CHD.
Sega CD set updated. 60G of games added. NGCD set replaced.
Holiday time again! We've doubled the bandwidth to 500mbps, updated the MAME set to .226, and re-added the Saturn collection. More updates coming soon!
ROMs / Amstrad CPC ROMs
Viewing Amstrad CPC ROMs ROMs starting with G
Name | Size | DLs |
G-Loc | 96.81 kb | 571 |
Gabrielle | 95.66 kb | 580 |
Galachip | 5.18 kb | 682 |
Galactic Conqueror | 24.54 kb | 559 |
Galactic Games | 123.05 kb | 561 |
Galactic Plague | 5.66 kb | 573 |
Galaxia | 89.27 kb | 603 |
Galaxians Revenge | 8.55 kb | 589 |
Galaxy Force | 172.07 kb | 579 |
Galivan | 52.56 kb | 600 |
Gallitron | 23.49 kb | 545 |
Galvan | 32.26 kb | 564 |
Game Compilations | 2.52 mb | 905 |
Game of Dragons, The | 17.67 kb | 550 |
Game Over | 87.97 kb | 611 |
Game Over II | 75.36 kb | 589 |
Game Set and Match | 182.85 kb | 561 |
Games, The - Summer Edition | 615.89 kb | 665 |
Games, The - Winter Edition | 355.85 kb | 644 |
Garfield - Big Fat Hairy Deal | 61.80 kb | 1778 |
Garfield 2 - Winters Tail | 39.60 kb | 599 |
Gary Linekers Hot-ShotS | 37.30 kb | 549 |
Gary Linekers Super Skills | 38.93 kb | 696 |
Gary Linekers Super Star Football | 61.41 kb | 558 |
Gatecrasher | 9.33 kb | 544 |
Gauntlet | 105.60 kb | 831 |
Gauntlet 3 | 245.18 kb | 705 |
Gauntlet Deeper Dungeons | 70.28 kb | 611 |
Gauntlet II | 132.56 kb | 666 |
Gauntlet Micropower | 13.31 kb | 564 |
Gazza 2 | 28.09 kb | 531 |
Gazzas Super Soccer | 36.00 kb | 541 |
GBA - GFL Championship Football | 33.70 kb | 534 |
GBA Championship Baseball | 20.26 kb | 544 |
GBA Championship Basketball - 2 On 2 | 20.37 kb | 542 |
Gee Bee Air Rally | 63.36 kb | 734 |
Gemini Wings | 208.04 kb | 599 |
Gems of Stradus | 31.35 kb | 551 |
Gena 3.1 | 9.28 kb | 537 |
Genghis Khan | 36.98 kb | 549 |
Geografia De Espana | 141.04 kb | 547 |
Geometria del Espacio | 99.13 kb | 579 |
GeoMetrie Plane | 6.68 kb | 540 |
Geste D Artillac, La | 80.63 kb | 531 |
Ghengis Kahn | 36.05 kb | 527 |
Ghost Busters First Mini Adventure - Calole Quest | 7.48 kb | 700 |
Ghost Hunters | 45.82 kb | 558 |
Ghost N Goblins | 29.19 kb | 696 |
Ghostbusters | 21.16 kb | 669 |
Ghostbusters 2 | 255.72 kb | 674 |
Ghosts | 4.57 kb | 560 |
Ghosts N Goblins | 29.70 kb | 667 |
Ghouls | 11.50 kb | 572 |
Ghouls N Ghosts | 157.27 kb | 788 |
GI Hero | 27.62 kb | 541 |
Gilbert Escape From Drill | 64.95 kb | 563 |
Gilligans Gold | 10.46 kb | 691 |
Give Us A Break | 28.52 kb | 541 |
Gladiator | 19.10 kb | 568 |
Glass | 42.30 kb | 527 |
Glen Hoddle Soccer | 14.00 kb | 542 |
Glentop Assembler | 8.87 kb | 543 |
Glider Rider | 23.63 kb | 539 |
Glider-Rider | 22.86 kb | 563 |
Globe-Trotter | 219.01 kb | 550 |
Gluck Zone Best - Demos Compilation | 123.79 kb | 637 |
Gluck Zone Best - Demos Compilation 2 | 199.81 kb | 554 |
Gluecksrad | 14.15 kb | 542 |
GM Chess | 47.05 kb | 538 |
Gnome Ranger | 201.87 kb | 547 |
GOB | 11.29 kb | 567 |
Goblin Towers | 15.76 kb | 533 |
Gogly | 12.44 kb | 524 |
Gold Hunters | 8.37 kb | 532 |
Golden Axe | 168.94 kb | 723 |
Golden Basket | 34.38 kb | 577 |
Golden Path | 97.95 kb | 550 |
Goldhunter | 8.68 kb | 539 |
Goldrun | 22.73 kb | 650 |
Golf | 20.34 kb | 551 |
Goliath | 27.66 kb | 536 |
Gomoku | 1.67 kb | 539 |
Gonzalezzzzz | 84.76 kb | 544 |
Good Moon | 9.00 kb | 525 |
Goody | 31.41 kb | 533 |
Goonies, The | 80.77 kb | 605 |
Gorbaf El Vikingo | 17.98 kb | 544 |
Gothik | 101.77 kb | 557 |
GP Formula 1 Simulator | 34.75 kb | 543 |
Graham Goochs Test Cricket | 15.97 kb | 647 |
Grammaire - Langue Francaise Volume 1 | 181.81 kb | 535 |
Grammaire - Langue Francaise Volume 2 | 152.56 kb | 537 |
Grand Prix Circuit | 37.59 kb | 577 |
Grand Prix Driver | 3.85 kb | 561 |
Grand Prix Simulator | 41.66 kb | 561 |
Grand Prix Simulator 2 | 52.15 kb | 575 |
Grange Hill | 22.18 kb | 535 |
Graphic Adventure Creator, The | 33.18 kb | 540 |
Graphic City | 78.00 kb | 536 |
Graphologie Assistee par Ordinateur | 17.36 kb | 629 |
Great Barrier Reef, The | 14.65 kb | 551 |
Great Courts | 50.01 kb | 536 |
Great Escape, The | 182.44 kb | 607 |
Great Giana Sisters, The | 29.89 kb | 611 |
Great Gurianos | 35.18 kb | 531 |
Green Beret | 47.65 kb | 615 |
Gregory Loses His Clock | 25.08 kb | 554 |
Grell and Falla | 66.86 kb | 535 |
Gremlins - The Adventure | 124.07 kb | 626 |
Gremlins 2 - The New Batch | 308.77 kb | 812 |
Greyfell | 35.86 kb | 547 |
Grid Trap | 12.97 kb | 535 |
Gridrider | 8.73 kb | 548 |
Griffes de la Nuit, Les | 99.87 kb | 540 |
Ground Zero | 40.96 kb | 541 |
Growing Pains of Adrian Mole, The | 108.83 kb | 547 |
Gryzor | 124.88 kb | 778 |
Guadalcanal | 28.36 kb | 537 |
Guardian | 8.06 kb | 549 |
Guardian Angel, The | 77.92 kb | 553 |
Guardian II Revenge of the Mutants | 9.34 kb | 710 |
Guardians | 96.40 kb | 562 |
Guerra de las Vajillas, La | 51.86 kb | 551 |
Guerrilla War | 146.43 kb | 577 |
Guild of Thieves, The | 305.62 kb | 620 |
Guillem de Bergueda | 20.04 kb | 530 |
Guillermo Tell | 24.56 kb | 543 |
Gun Fright | 60.78 kb | 578 |
Gunboat | 167.33 kb | 546 |
Gunfighter | 17.28 kb | 699 |
Gunship | 86.39 kb | 569 |
Gunslinger - Play Dead | 5.45 kb | 543 |
Gunsmoke | 160.69 kb | 613 |
Gunstar | 14.48 kb | 557 |
Gurianos | 28.78 kb | 534 |
Gusanin | 2.70 kb | 543 |
Gutter | 30.55 kb | 546 |
Guzzler | 23.29 kb | 553 |
Gyroscope | 21.01 kb | 552 |