
Dreamcast set is updated, 200G of new games!

a boxing day miracle! need MAME ROMs? visit!

MAME set removed to make room for new and exciting things! The next chapter of edge|emulation is coming soon.

MAME updated to .239. Download counts are reset as a result, sorry!

New shade of paint, made the site more mobile-friendly. Gamecube set is being updated to 1G1R in RVZ format. Enjoy!

Improved the search function ever so slightly :)

Panasonic 3DO set updated. Doubled the amount of games and converted to CHD.

Sega CD set updated. 60G of games added. NGCD set replaced.

Holiday time again! We've doubled the bandwidth to 500mbps, updated the MAME set to .226, and re-added the Saturn collection. More updates coming soon!

ROMs / Amstrad CPC ROMs


Viewing Amstrad CPC ROMs ROMs starting with H

H Myga15.03 kb563
H2-Plus Version 1.021.25 kb509
Hacker20.91 kb527
Hacker II21.36 kb511
Hacker-Disc6.83 kb488
HackRevue 379.20 kb495
Hagar17.75 kb491
Halls of Gold45.39 kb576
Halls of the Things10.16 kb491
Hammer Boy49.68 kb516
Hammer Boy I & II47.85 kb511
Hammerfist85.19 kb491
Hamsters en Folie29.24 kb492
Han DIslande112.09 kb501
Hangman3.41 kb526
Hangman 23.58 kb504
Hanse112.98 kb503
Happy Letters19.44 kb560
Happy Numbers6.17 kb489
Happy Writing7.63 kb493
Hard Drivin50.83 kb538
Hard Hat Mack19.80 kb495
Hardball27.41 kb482
Harricana - Raid International Motoneige71.02 kb487
Harrier Attack8.66 kb555
Harry & Harry - Boite De Rajmahal251.22 kb511
Harry & Harry - Mission Torpedo75.03 kb486
Haruspice (Preview)14.63 kb582
Harvey Headbanger22.70 kb475
HATE - Hostile All Terrain Encounter32.05 kb481
Haunted Hedges7.85 kb489
Havoc30.78 kb496
Hawaii132.94 kb496
Hawk Storm63.53 kb479
Head Over Heels43.17 kb595
Heartland41.17 kb487
Heavy Metal44.01 kb503
Heavy On The Magick30.61 kb485
Hedge Hog5.40 kb587
Helichopper19.66 kb496
Helicopter 20008.32 kb485
Helter Skelter42.36 kb497
Helter Skelter Editor15.58 kb487
Herberts Dummy Run44.22 kb482
Hercule II56.95 kb501
Hercules65.06 kb657
Here & There With The Mr. Men9.13 kb478
Heritage, L99.64 kb480
Hermitage, The25.46 kb479
Hero of the Golden Talisman24.65 kb487
Hero Quest183.38 kb585
Hero Quest 2 - Return of the Witch Lord164.18 kb544
Herobotix26.79 kb479
Heroes of Karn27.07 kb497
Heroes of the Lance150.29 kb501
Hi-Q Quizz9.93 kb594
Hideous29.51 kb472
High Epidemy97.79 kb477
High Frontier24.75 kb481
High Noon4.01 kb497
High Steel46.64 kb473
Highlander154.98 kb503
Highway Encounter38.05 kb536
Highway Patrol43.81 kb478
Hijack64.77 kb592
HiRise14.84 kb477
Hisoft Devpac14.35 kb479
Hisoft Pascal44.66 kb478
Histoire Dor126.71 kb476
Hit Squad, The27.53 kb485
Hitchhikers Guide to The Galaxy, The101.33 kb535
HIVE30.90 kb488
HMS Cobra142.03 kb496
Hobbit, The33.28 kb514
Hobgoblin23.69 kb489
Hockey13.86 kb498
Hold-Up16.11 kb478
Holdfast33.44 kb571
Hollywood Hijinx81.64 kb492
Hollywood Or Bust22.51 kb470
Holocauste217.41 kb509
Homerunner6.49 kb475
Hong Kong Phooey32.32 kb517
Hopital Danger77.35 kb481
Hopper Copper12.29 kb473
Hoppin Mad21.52 kb486
Horloge Astale124.19 kb485
Horloger 1, L9.53 kb575
Horloger 2, L10.03 kb469
Horse Racing2.31 kb481
Hostages - Operation Jupiter252.32 kb512
Hotrod205.87 kb498
Hotshot52.21 kb493
Hounds of Hell64.30 kb482
House of Spiders5.53 kb486
House of Usher23.29 kb513
How To Become A Complete Bastard27.59 kb495
Howard The Duck37.67 kb665
Hudson Hawk135.78 kb509
Human Killing Machine226.51 kb496
Humphrey54.25 kb469
Hunchback9.35 kb487
Hunchback - The Adventure39.23 kb494
Hunchback II - Quasimodos Revenge18.62 kb515
Hundra85.69 kb470
Hunt for Red October, The168.73 kb499
Hunt for Red October, The - The Movie71.44 kb502
Hunter Killer18.92 kb592
Hurtements234.72 kb485
Hustler7.77 kb471
Huxley Pig60.38 kb461
Hybrid75.36 kb469
Hydra147.57 kb503
Hydro Fool29.17 kb480
Hyper Sports61.76 kb485
Hyperbowl19.24 kb504
Hyperspace - Aventures Spatio-Temporelles24.09 kb463
Hypsis I & II28.00 kb588
Hypsys27.11 kb476