
Dreamcast set is updated, 200G of new games!

a boxing day miracle! need MAME ROMs? visit!

MAME set removed to make room for new and exciting things! The next chapter of edge|emulation is coming soon.

MAME updated to .239. Download counts are reset as a result, sorry!

New shade of paint, made the site more mobile-friendly. Gamecube set is being updated to 1G1R in RVZ format. Enjoy!

Improved the search function ever so slightly :)

Panasonic 3DO set updated. Doubled the amount of games and converted to CHD.

Sega CD set updated. 60G of games added. NGCD set replaced.

Holiday time again! We've doubled the bandwidth to 500mbps, updated the MAME set to .226, and re-added the Saturn collection. More updates coming soon!

ROMs / Nintendo DS ROMs


Viewing Nintendo DS ROMs ROMs starting with E

E=M6 Defi Cerebral (France)2.17 mb951
EA Playground20.96 mb1869
Easy Piano8.89 mb1542
Eco-Creatures - Save the Forest5.11 mb1575
Ecolis - Aoi Umi to Ugoku Shima (Japan)6.56 mb1795
Ed, Edd n Eddy - Scam of the Century7.93 mb1972
Edo Bunka Rekishi Kentei DS (Japan)16.51 mb1359
Edogawa Ranpo no Kaijin Nijuu Mensou DS (Japan)6.84 mb1538
Eds Farm (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It)3.21 mb1203
Egg Monster Hero (Japan)15.06 mb1527
Eggheads (Europe)1.49 mb1064
Eibun Tadoku DS - Sekai no Bungaku Senshuu (Japan) [b]3.20 mb1198
Eibun Tadoku DS - Sekai no Meisaku Douwa (Japan)3.86 mb1219
Eigo de Asobou - Mummy Talk DS (Japan) (NDSi Enhanced)112.10 mb2354
Eigo de Tabisuru - Little Charo (Japan)442.00 mb2806
Eigo o Taberu Fushigi na Ikimono - Marsh (Japan)33.77 mb1445
Eigyoudou, The (Japan)4.26 mb1219
Eijukugo Target 1000 DS37.61 mb1737
Eiken DS (Japan)28.33 mb1473
Eiken DS Training (Japan)29.52 mb1501
Eiken Kakomondai Shuuroku - Eiken DS 2 Deluxe (Japan)182.86 mb3185
Eiken-ou - 2-kyuu Hen (Japan)58.49 mb1634
Eiken-ou - 3-kyuu Hen (Japan)18.50 mb1327
Eiken-ou - 4-kyuu Hen (Japan)17.11 mb1321
Eiken-ou - Jun-2-kyuu Hen (Japan)33.04 mb1685
Eikoh Seminar Koushiki DS Kyouzai - Chuugaku Eitango - Eitan Zamurai DS (Japan) [b]69.50 mb2962
Eikoh Seminar Koushiki DS Kyouzai - Koukou Eitango - Eitan Zamurai DS (Japan)87.08 mb3223
Eikoh Seminar Koushiki DS Kyouzai - Shougakkou Eigo - Eitan Zamurai DS (Japan)71.99 mb1619
Eitango Target 1900 DS (Japan)26.77 mb1412
Elebits - Kaiwa Zeroui Sinbihan Yeohaeng (Korea) [b]23.67 mb1186
Elebits - The Adventures of Kai and Zero33.45 mb2335
Electroplankton7.07 mb2165
Element Girls - Style Your Life! (Europe) (Fr,De)9.77 mb1463
Element Girls (Germany) [b]4.85 mb974
Element Hunters11.21 mb1893
Element Hunters (Korea) [b]11.20 mb1234
Elemental Monster - Itsu Hashira Gami no Nazo (Japan)67.74 mb1763
Elements of Destruction2.54 mb1276
Elf Bowling 1 & 2 (USA)898.70 kb1122
Elite Beat Agents445.86 mb6963
Elite Forces - Unit 778.93 mb1727
Elminage - Yami no Miko to Kamigami no Yubiwa - DS Remix (Japan)65.62 mb2153
Elminage II - Sousei no Megami to Unmei no Daichi - DS Remix (Japan) (NDSi Enhanced) [b]68.53 mb2085
Elvenland2.38 mb1243
Emblem of Gundam (Japan)34.62 mb2024
Emergency 2012 (Germany)13.23 mb1163
Emergency DS (Germany) [b]14.34 mb1073
Emergency Kids (Germany)12.30 mb1105
Emergency Room - Real Life Rescues (USA)9.30 mb1608
Emergency! - Disaster Rescue Squad14.78 mb1642
Emily - My Dog Paradise (Europe) (En,Fr,It) [b]8.02 mb1352
Emily - My Personal Diary (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl) [b]3.06 mb1077
Emily Archer - The Curse of King Tuts Tomb14.12 mb1630
Emily the Strange - Strangerous39.49 mb1971
Emma at the Farm12.31 mb1989
Emma in the Mountains7.20 mb1487
Enchanted13.00 mb1682
Ener-G - Dance Squad57.00 mb2307
Ener-G - Gym Rockets7.02 mb1321
Ener-G - Horse Riders22.85 mb1422
Englisch Buddy58.33 mb1574
Englisch Entdecken Mit Ben & Bella (Germany) (En)13.35 mb1103
Englisch Macht Spass - Eine Reise nach London! (Germany) [b]18.97 mb1115
English Buddy (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl) [b]58.82 mb1999
English Training - Have Fun Improving Your Skills328.87 mb2518
Enigmistica, L (Italy)3.56 mb972
Enpitsu de Oku no Hosomichi DS (Japan)34.68 mb1385
Entraineur Cerebral, L - Logique (France) [b]8.01 mb1069
Entraineur Cerebral, L - Perception (France) [b]10.37 mb1098
EQ Trainer DS - Dekiru Otona no Communication Jutsu (Japan)1.15 mb977
Equestrian Training10.69 mb1477
Equestrian Training (Europe) [b]10.41 mb1117
Equitation - Galops 1 a 7 (France) [b]11.30 mb1213
Eragon37.82 mb2272
Escape the Museum19.55 mb2348
ESSE Shikkari Kakeibo DS (Japan) (Rev 1)4.90 mb1218
Essential Sudoku DS904.21 kb1002
Etrian Odyssey9.85 mb4396
Etrian Odyssey II - Heroes of Lagaard13.24 mb4016
Etrian Odyssey III - The Drowned City21.37 mb4383
Everythings Rosie (Europe)5.46 mb1213
Exit DS8.63 mb2388
Eyeshield 21 - Max Devil Power! (Japan)17.53 mb1499
EZ-Flash V (World) (Unl)97.66 kb722
EZ-Flash Vi (World) (Unl)1.69 mb945