Name | Size | DLs |
Table Tennis Simulation (Europe) | 235.36 kb | 797 |
Tactical Manager - Italia (Europe) | 491.78 kb | 691 |
Tactical Manager (Europe) (v2.36) | 498.12 kb | 849 |
Tactical Manager 2 (Europe) (v2.43) | 544.35 kb | 724 |
Tactical Manager 94-95 Season (Europe) | 554.55 kb | 725 |
Tanglewood (Europe) | 404.51 kb | 761 |
Tangram (Europe) | 205.96 kb | 726 |
Targhan (Europe) | 586.43 kb | 788 |
Targhan (France) (Compilation - Simulation Top) | 599.15 kb | 668 |
Tass Times in Tonetown (Europe) | 598.03 kb | 745 |
Team Suzuki (Europe) | 382.81 kb | 767 |
Team Yankee (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 367.81 kb | 843 |
Tearaway Thomas (Europe) | 882.78 kb | 819 |
Tecnoball Z (Europe) | 792.95 kb | 915 |
Tee Off! (Europe) | 144.24 kb | 691 |
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles - The Coin-Op! (Europe) | 683.85 kb | 1143 |
Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (Europe) | 594.98 kb | 1070 |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Europe) | 772.26 kb | 1054 |
Teenage Queen (Europe) | 558.81 kb | 871 |
Tennis Cup (Europe) | 714.48 kb | 882 |
Tennis Cup (France) (Compilation - NRJ - La CompilAction Vol.4) | 707.50 kb | 701 |
Tennis Cup II (Europe) | 1.01 mb | 1031 |
Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (Europe) | 1.40 mb | 1309 |
Terminator 2 - Judgment Day (Europe) (Alt 1) | 1.40 mb | 821 |
Terminator 2 - The Arcade Game (Europe) | 940.74 kb | 1076 |
Terramex (Europe) | 206.89 kb | 713 |
Terran Envoy (USA) | 579.52 kb | 721 |
Terrorpods (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Sv,No,Da) | 261.61 kb | 732 |
Terrys Big Adventure (Europe) | 163.40 kb | 786 |
Test Drive (Europe) | 580.02 kb | 1351 |
Test Drive (Europe) (Alt 1) | 581.40 kb | 761 |
Test Drive II - The Duel (Europe) | 518.46 kb | 1481 |
Test Drive II Car Disk - The Muscle Cars (Europe) (Addon) | 363.95 kb | 937 |
Test Drive II Car Disk - The Supercars (Europe) (Addon) | 330.04 kb | 929 |
Test Drive II Scenery Disk - California Challenge (Europe) (Addon) | 160.51 kb | 872 |
Test Drive II Scenery Disk - European Challenge (Europe) (Addon) | 196.07 kb | 886 |
Test Match Cricket (Europe) | 266.60 kb | 676 |
Testament (Europe) (AGA) | 1.84 mb | 897 |
Tetris (Europe) | 113.54 kb | 1193 |
Thai Boxing (Europe) (Anco) | 352.32 kb | 755 |
Thai Boxing (Europe) (Budget) | 375.75 kb | 656 |
Theatre of Death (Europe) | 1.19 mb | 963 |
Their Finest Hour - The Battle of Britain (Europe) | 860.61 kb | 793 |
Their Finest Hour - The Battle of Britain (Europe) (v1.1) | 854.84 kb | 757 |
Their Finest Missions - Volume 1 (Europe) (Addon) | 18.88 kb | 665 |
Theme Park (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It) | 665.30 kb | 1057 |
Theme Park (Europe) (En,Fr,De,It) (AGA) | 3.04 mb | 1109 |
Theme Park Mystery (Europe) | 398.65 kb | 785 |
Theme Park Mystery (USA) | 427.85 kb | 795 |
Thexder (Europe) | 195.99 kb | 754 |
Think Twice (Europe) | 227.05 kb | 671 |
Third Courier, The (Europe) | 732.22 kb | 746 |
Thomas the Tank Engine (Europe) | 308.32 kb | 733 |
Thomas the Tank Engine 2 (Europe) | 325.85 kb | 731 |
Three Stooges, The (Europe) | 1.19 mb | 1067 |
Three Stooges, The (USA) | 1.17 mb | 847 |
Thunder Blade (Europe) | 469.37 kb | 885 |
Thunder Blade (Europe) (Budget - Kixx) | 486.22 kb | 687 |
Thunder Blade (USA) (Budget - Kixx) | 520.73 kb | 683 |
Thunder Burner (Europe) | 612.87 kb | 747 |
Thunder Jaws (Europe) | 1.34 mb | 846 |
Thunder Strike (Europe) | 264.25 kb | 778 |
Thunderbirds (Europe) | 892.82 kb | 1087 |
ThunderCats (Europe) | 194.38 kb | 892 |
ThunderCats (Europe) (Compilation - TenStar Pack) | 332.69 kb | 695 |
Thunderhawk AH-73M (Europe) | 1.34 mb | 900 |
Thunderhawk AH-73M (USA) | 1.34 mb | 877 |
Tiger Road (Europe) | 454.79 kb | 810 |
Time (France) | 903.17 kb | 688 |
Time (Germany) | 904.63 kb | 739 |
Time and Magik (Europe) | 555.48 kb | 758 |
Time Machine (Europe) | 492.13 kb | 798 |
Time Race (France) | 903.49 kb | 695 |
Time Runners 1 - Gateways in Time (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 680.28 kb | 830 |
Time Runners 11 - The Steel City (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 466.23 kb | 723 |
Time Runners 12 - A Target for the Cyborg (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 581.94 kb | 841 |
Time Runners 13 - Cyberkiller (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 476.94 kb | 727 |
Time Runners 14 - Toraxid - War Star (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 495.73 kb | 718 |
Time Runners 15 - At the Speed of Light (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 470.35 kb | 710 |
Time Runners 16 - The Galaxy Emperor (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 660.59 kb | 755 |
Time Runners 17 - The Living Labyrinth (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 553.30 kb | 733 |
Time Runners 18 - The Killer Shadow (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 602.91 kb | 740 |
Time Runners 19 - The Nightmare Prince (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 652.57 kb | 744 |
Time Runners 2 - The Space Stone (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 663.73 kb | 756 |
Time Runners 20 - The Mountains of Death (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 543.33 kb | 734 |
Time Runners 21 - The Black Dragons Course (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 491.54 kb | 830 |
Time Runners 22 - The Eternal Damned (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 565.02 kb | 722 |
Time Runners 23 - The Time Monarch (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 452.01 kb | 712 |
Time Runners 24 - Beyond all Dimensions (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 566.02 kb | 716 |
Time Runners 25 - The Lost Planet Earth (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 596.31 kb | 731 |
Time Runners 26 - The Time Warrior (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 525.71 kb | 724 |
Time Runners 27 - Red Night (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 465.68 kb | 707 |
Time Runners 28 - Beyond the End (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 499.08 kb | 711 |
Time Runners 29 - The Last Revelation (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 517.97 kb | 728 |
Time Runners 3 - The Big Run (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 710.05 kb | 781 |
Time Runners 30 - The Final Duel (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 535.81 kb | 862 |
Time Runners 4 - The Castle of Fear (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 667.75 kb | 755 |
Time Runners 5 - The Black Knight (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 664.56 kb | 760 |
Time Runners 6 - The Bewitched Forest (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 660.63 kb | 760 |
Time Runners 7 - In the Land of the Invaders (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 626.50 kb | 752 |
Time Runners 8 - The Impregnable Fortress (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 451.01 kb | 719 |
Time Runners 9 - The Time Demon (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) | 535.66 kb | 738 |
Times Crosswords, The - Volume 3 & 4 (Europe) | 396.70 kb | 670 |
Times of Lore (Europe) | 523.02 kb | 807 |
Tintin on the Moon (Europe) (En,Fr,De) | 500.21 kb | 1138 |
Tiny Skweeks (Europe) | 1.47 mb | 862 |
Tip Off (Europe) | 799.91 kb | 746 |
Tip Off (Europe) (Fr,De,Es,It) | 799.40 kb | 723 |
Tip Trick (Europe) | 419.64 kb | 700 |
Titan (Europe) | 589.10 kb | 782 |
Titanic Blinky (Europe) | 413.42 kb | 723 |
Titano (Germany) (Coverdisk) | 510.63 kb | 672 |
Titus the Fox (Europe) | 770.28 kb | 1154 |
Toki (Europe) | 874.19 kb | 1279 |
Tom & Jerry - Hunting High and Low (Europe) | 411.50 kb | 877 |
Tom & Jerry (Europe) | 451.94 kb | 1067 |
Tom & Jerry 2 (Europe) | 452.23 kb | 927 |
Tom and the Ghost (Europe) (En,Fr,De) | 501.20 kb | 758 |
Tom Landry Strategy Football - Deluxe Edition (Europe) | 1.34 mb | 772 |
Toobin (Europe) | 312.44 kb | 785 |
Top Banana (Europe) | 838.56 kb | 827 |
Top Gear 2 (Europe) | 1.43 mb | 1033 |
Top Gear 2 (Europe) (AGA) | 1.62 mb | 945 |
Torch 2081 (Europe) | 365.32 kb | 705 |
Tornado (Europe) | 2.59 mb | 1085 |
Torvak the Warrior (Europe) | 841.80 kb | 820 |
Total Carnage (Europe) | 1.17 mb | 848 |
Total Carnage (Europe) (AGA) | 1.95 mb | 900 |
Total Eclipse (USA) | 349.01 kb | 752 |
Total Football (Europe) | 944.64 kb | 786 |
Total Recall (Europe) (Budget - The Hit Squad) | 820.73 kb | 897 |
Total Recall (Europe) (Compilation - 2 Hot 2 Handle) | 891.00 kb | 794 |
Tournament Golf (Europe) | 349.38 kb | 715 |
Tower of Babel (Europe) | 603.02 kb | 890 |
Tower of Souls (Europe) (AGA) | 2.74 mb | 931 |
Tower Toppler (USA) | 238.16 kb | 675 |
Toyota Celica GT Rally (Europe) | 544.85 kb | 835 |
Toyottes, The (Europe) | 300.67 kb | 676 |
Tracker (Europe) | 144.26 kb | 658 |
Traders (Germany) (En) | 522.02 kb | 682 |
Trained Assassin (Europe) | 496.56 kb | 716 |
Trainer, Der - Italia (Germany) (v2.40) | 468.90 kb | 692 |
Transarctica (Europe) (En,Fr,De) | 1.44 mb | 874 |
Transarctica (France) | 1.37 mb | 721 |
Transworld (Germany) (v2.03) | 579.54 kb | 834 |
Treasure Island Dizzy (Europe) | 209.67 kb | 842 |
Treasure Trap (Europe) (v1.08) | 741.84 kb | 814 |
Trex Warrior - 22nd Century Gladiator (Europe) | 568.77 kb | 734 |
Trex Warrior - 22nd Century Gladiator (Europe) (Coverdisk - The One - Issue 59) | 568.11 kb | 640 |
TrianGO (Europe) (v1.1) | 367.30 kb | 670 |
Trinity (Europe) (Release 11) | 251.85 kb | 671 |
Triple X (Europe) (Compilation - Amiga Star Collection) | 360.49 kb | 826 |
Trivia Trove (Germany) | 351.03 kb | 635 |
Trivial Pursuit - A New Beginning (Europe) (Compilation - Arcade Action) | 364.29 kb | 880 |
Trivial Pursuit - A New Beginning (Germany) | 324.42 kb | 738 |
Trivial Pursuit - The Computer Game - Genus Edition (France) (Compilation - 10 Megahits Vol. 3) | 247.53 kb | 645 |
Trivial Pursuit - The Computer Game - Genus Edition (Germany) | 253.59 kb | 650 |
Trivial Pursuit - The Language Laboratory Edition + Amiga Text (Europe) (ECS) (Amiga 600 HD Bundles - Epic + Language Lab) | 892.93 kb | 763 |
Troddlers (Europe) | 769.22 kb | 798 |
Trolls (Europe) (AGA) | 1.73 mb | 1027 |
Trolls (Europe) (ECS) | 1.73 mb | 835 |
Turbo Cup (France) (v2.0) (Compilation - Sports Best) | 387.04 kb | 820 |
Turbo Jam (Europe) (Proto) (AGA) | 1.72 mb | 803 |
Turbo OutRun (Europe) | 539.88 kb | 997 |
Turbo Trax (Europe) (ECS) | 2.17 mb | 947 |
Turn n Burn (Europe) | 376.17 kb | 707 |
Turrican (Europe) | 937.23 kb | 2127 |
Turrican (USA) | 920.28 kb | 1235 |
Turrican 3 (Europe) | 931.35 kb | 1856 |
Turrican II - The Final Fight (Europe) | 1.05 mb | 2620 |
Turrican II - The Final Fight (Italy) | 1.05 mb | 963 |
Turrican III - Payment Day (Germany) | 933.02 kb | 1511 |
Tusker (Europe) | 396.36 kb | 770 |
TV Sports Baseball (Europe) | 774.18 kb | 836 |
TV Sports Basketball (Europe) | 900.77 kb | 876 |
TV Sports Boxing (Europe) | 1.28 mb | 894 |
TV Sports Football (Europe) | 1.09 mb | 900 |
TV Sports Football (Europe) (Alt - 0407) | 1.09 mb | 720 |
Twilight Zone, The (USA) | 1.26 mb | 892 |
Twinworld (Europe) | 658.82 kb | 912 |
Twylyte (Europe) | 259.69 kb | 673 |
Typhoon (Europe) (v1.01) | 323.34 kb | 781 |
Typhoon (Europe) (v1.01) (Alt 1) | 310.48 kb | 641 |
Typhoon Thompson in Search for the Sea Child (USA) | 239.23 kb | 773 |